Every pregnant woman waiting for the moment of childbirth must know the three main signs that require emergency and run to the doctor
Simply because it is the hour of birth
Of course, these symptoms are preceded by many less serious symptoms when entering the ninth month of pregnancy, such as dilation of the uterus and prolapse of the fetus ...
1 You lose the plug and change the color and consistency of your vaginal secretions
You may also notice the loss of the mucus plug - the cork that seals the uterus from the outside world. It can come out in one big piece (looks similar to the mucus in your nose) or a lot of little ones, although you may not get a glimpse of it at all and some women don't lose it before childbirth.
In the last days before labor, you will likely notice increased and / or thickened vaginal discharge. These thick, pink secretions are called the bloody show and are a good indication that labor is imminent.
But without contractions or 3 to 4 centimeters stretching, labor can still be a few days away.
2 You feel stronger, more frequent contractions
Contractions are an early sign of active labor - except when they are not. You can experience Braxton Hicks contractions (or "practice contractions") for weeks or even months before giving birth. You'll feel their cramps as your uterus muscles contract in preparation for their big moment: push this baby out.
How do you distinguish between true and false labor contractions? Look for these signs of real work:
If you are active, the true contractions get stronger rather than relaxing the way Braxton Hicks contractions work.
If you change position, the labor contractions will not disappear but more often it does Braxton Hicks.
True contractions do develop, become more frequent and more painful over time, and often fall in a regular pattern. Not everyone will necessarily be more painful or longer than the previous one, but the intensity does tend to increase over time as labor progresses. The frequency does not always increase in a regular pattern, but it does increase gradually. Braxton Hicks contractions come and go without getting stronger over time.
Real early labor cramps may look like strong menstrual cramps, stomach upset, or low abdominal pressure. The pain can be in the lower abdomen or both and the lower back, and it can spread to the lower legs. The location of the pain is not a reliable indicator of true contractions versus practice, because Braxton Hicks contractions can also be felt in all of those locations.
3 Your water is exploding
While the movies think you'll only learn that you're in labor when your waters break (in the middle of a romantic dinner date in a crowded restaurant, of course), this scenario is very unlikely.
My watershed is actually one of the last signs of labor that most women experience - and it only occurs in about 15 percent of births or fewer. So don't rely on it as a sure sign of labor.
You still feel like you won't know when to announce "It's time!" And getting ready to meet your child? Try not to stress about it. You will see your doctor or midwife frequently now, and they will help you discover all the important clues.
Before these symptoms occur, you should be prepared for this well with medical follow-up or by following labor applications that give you advice and inform you of the due date.