
What should a 1 year old eat in a day? | MOMSANDCHILD


   When the baby approaches one-year-old, he will need to reduce the consumption of the mother’s milk in order to depend on other foods gradually. During the one-year-old period, his body and sense improve faster than ever before, so the mother should take care of his health by providing him with healthy foods that contain fats and carbohydrates especially because he needs up to 1400 calories a day during his first year.

 The foods to be provided to the one-year-old baby:

     The cholesterol and other fats are very important for its normal growth and development, so foods that contain these nutrients should be regularly consumed by him during this period.

       There is no need to give the one-year-old baby special food other than the mother’s ordinary food, accordingly: the mother should provide her baby with variant foods such as:

·       Grain & Starch: 4 or 8 servings average.
·       Milk & Yogurt: 3 servings average.
·       Vegetables & Fruits: 2 or 4 servings

  A Suitable diet for one-year-old baby:

      It’s better to provide 5 basic meals daily:

·       Breakfast: 1/2 cup of milk & 1 boiled egg or cornflakes.
·       Mid-Morning: a fruit.
·       Lunch:  1 slice of meat.
·       Snacks: A full cup of milk.
·       Dinner: 1 slice of meet & full cup of milk.

Forbidden foods and snacks for one year baby:

·       Sugar & salt.
·       Sweets.
·       Nuts.
·       Restaurant food.

Advice: How to handle your one-year-old baby?

·       Do not force him to eat food he doesn’t like.
·       Make sure that your one-year-old baby sits comfortably during eating.
·       Serve food in an attractive way, such as using colorful dishes of their favorite shapes, if he suffers from loss of appetite.
  • The child should sleep a little time during the day and more time during the night, as children in this age need an afternoon nap, unlike their morning nap that should last no longer than few minutes.